Merry Covid Christmas

Hi friends!

Long time no write, again, but I have had some struggles with my mental health and when that eased up I had finals to get through. But I am finally done with my first semester back at school and it feels good. I cannot believe how quickly that went by!

I have wanted to write an update many times but had to prioritize my schoolwork and when I wasn’t doing that I felt

Mental Health Update

Hi friends!

Oh my, it’s been a while. I haven’t written anything in a few months but today is World Mental Health Day so I thought it would be the perfect day to get back into writing about how I’ve been doing the last few months.

These past few months have been a whirlwind of packing up my entire life, yet again moving to another country, transferring to a new school, and moving into a

Not Enough

Hi friends!

This week I have been struggling a bit, mainly with the feeling of not being enough. I got the news that I did not get into one of the schools I really wanted to get into, and the feeling of rejection was a hard pill to swallow.

I grew up with a single mom who had to take care of two kids by herself and so I always tried to be perfect as

Self Care Tips

Hi friends!

In this week’s post I thought I would share some of my self care tips. Self care is so important, especially when maintaining your mental health.

Self care is something that in the last few years I have really made a point to prioritize. Making time for and taking care of myself is so important. And it’s really just about finding the things that make you stop for a moment, make you relax

8 Ways My Emotional Support Dog Has Changed My Life

Hi friends!

In today’s post I wanted to talk about the benefits of having an ESA, specifically the benefits I have noticed and how my dog Happy provides emotional support to me.

ESA stands for Emotional Support Animal, and having an ESA helps people who struggle with mental health issues/disabilities. As someone who has anxiety, having an emotional support dog has helped me in so many ways. I always say Happy has saved me on

Finding Mindfulness

Hi all!

Today I thought I would share something that has really changed my life and improved my mental health and overall quality of life. And that is Mindfulness.

If you want a basic run down of what mindfulness is, here is a link from The Mayo Clinic that explains it, or you can just google it, but in a nutshell mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment that you are in

My Experience Living with Anxiety


So, I want to start this post off by being really honest. I’ve been trying to get up the motivation to write this post for a while now, but I went into a pretty deep anxiety hole for a while and just didn’t feel like writing at all. Which sucks but is also quite appropriate for the topic of this post.

My Anxiety

I struggle with both general anxiety as well as social anxiety.

My Journey to Getting Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism

Hi everyone!

This post is going to be recounting how I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

When I think back on it, I probably felt the earliest symptoms of my illness back in 2014/2015. I had a falling out with a friend while we were traveling in Australia and I had a panic attack on the flight to New Zealand and decided to cut my trip short because I felt so drained and not like myself.

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