March 23, 2022
Hi friends! Last week was my spring break (spring break, woohoo!!), but I did not spend mine traveling to a warmer climate to sip Pina Coladas by the pool, I did something even better than that. My mom came to visit me here in Boston and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my break! She came on the night of the Thursday before last and we had one day here in Boston
February 6, 2022
Hi friends! Last Wednesday, January 26th, was my baby Happy’s 4th birthday! I cannot believe she is already 4 years old, that blows my mind! My little puppy is growing up! When I told my roommates and friends about this upcoming birthday they all said “we have to throw her a party!”, so that’s what we did! I had never had a puppy birthday party before, but since I am a crazy dog mom I
December 29, 2021
Hi friends! Long time no write, again, but I have had some struggles with my mental health and when that eased up I had finals to get through. But I am finally done with my first semester back at school and it feels good. I cannot believe how quickly that went by! I have wanted to write an update many times but had to prioritize my schoolwork and when I wasn’t doing that I felt
July 9, 2021
Hi friends! This week I thought I would talk about something that I think a lot of people struggle with, especially now that a lot of places are coming out of lockdown and people are starting to socialize more. I think most of us are familiar with the term FOMO, the fear of missing out. This is something that I believe almost everyone has experienced at one point or another. Especially with the expansiveness of
July 3, 2021
Hi friends! I have some exciting news which is that I have now heard back from all of the schools that I have applied to and I have officially accepted my offer to attend Suffolk University for the fall 2021 semester. Yay!! This is why I did not post last week and why this week’s post is a day late, I have been so busy with paperwork and I’ve started looking at apartments and everything
June 11, 2021
Hi friends! In this week’s post I thought I would share some of my self care tips. Self care is so important, especially when maintaining your mental health. Self care is something that in the last few years I have really made a point to prioritize. Making time for and taking care of myself is so important. And it’s really just about finding the things that make you stop for a moment, make you relax
June 4, 2021
Hi friends! In today’s post I wanted to talk about the benefits of having an ESA, specifically the benefits I have noticed and how my dog Happy provides emotional support to me. ESA stands for Emotional Support Animal, and having an ESA helps people who struggle with mental health issues/disabilities. As someone who has anxiety, having an emotional support dog has helped me in so many ways. I always say Happy has saved me on
May 28, 2021
Hi all! Today I thought I would share something that has really changed my life and improved my mental health and overall quality of life. And that is Mindfulness. If you want a basic run down of what mindfulness is, here is a link from The Mayo Clinic that explains it, or you can just google it, but in a nutshell mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment that you are in
May 28, 2021
Hi! So, I want to start this post off by being really honest. I’ve been trying to get up the motivation to write this post for a while now, but I went into a pretty deep anxiety hole for a while and just didn’t feel like writing at all. Which sucks but is also quite appropriate for the topic of this post. My Anxiety I struggle with both general anxiety as well as social anxiety.
May 28, 2021
Hi everyone! This post is going to be recounting how I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism. When I think back on it, I probably felt the earliest symptoms of my illness back in 2014/2015. I had a falling out with a friend while we were traveling in Australia and I had a panic attack on the flight to New Zealand and decided to cut my trip short because I felt so drained and not like myself.

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